Our Ministries
Welcome to New Light Baptist!

Deacon Ministry
Deacon Ministry- This ministry serves the Lord by caring for the members of New Light and administering the Ordinances of Communion and Baptism. Service in this ministry is by pastoral appointment only.
Contact: Dea. Garfield Owens, Chairman - 973-338-5888
Trustee Ministry
Prayerfully and faithfully manage the finances and property of the church. Service in this ministry is by pastoral appointment only.
Contact: Sis. Beverly Goss - 973-338-5888
The Men's Fellowship
​All men (young and up) are encouraged to come out for food, fellowship and sharing in the word! This meeting is held every third Saturday of the month at 9:00am. In person.
Contact: Trustee Robert Walker, Jr. - 973-338-5888
Naomi Ruth Women's Fellowship
Women of all ages are encouraged to come out and fellowship with one another. The ladies meet every 4th Saturday of the month at 10:00 am in person and virtually.
Contact: Min. Linda Stith - 973-338-5888
​Usher Ministry
To help set the atmosphere for worship by getting the house in order and greeting worshippers with the joy of the Lord. To make all members and visitors feel welcome. To provide visitors and guests with information regarding the church. To be an usher, you must be a member of the church.
Contact: Sis. Cassandra Dungee - 973-338-5888
The Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry is comprised of a team of choirs and musicians that praise the lord through song. They include our Combined Choir, Youth Choir, The Men's Choir, and our Praise and Worship team. Rehearsals are on Saturdays at 3pm. Rehearsal times subject to change.
Contact: Sis. Sharon Salter - 973-338-5888
Youth ConneXion
Parents bring your children out and children bring a friend with you for fun, food, bible learning and fellowship. YC is held on fourth Fridays of the month at 7:00PM under the supervision of our Youth Advisors. Different events and outings as well as Christian Fellowship are planned throughout the year.
Contact: Sis. Jo-Anna Spencer - 973-338-5888
Church School Ministry
Our Church School welcomes students of all ages (Pre-K to Adult) to pursue Christian education through bible study and instruction from our church schoolteachers. Church School is held on Sunday mornings from 9:30am-10:15am, both in person and virtual. Please click on Watch Live page for virtual zoom ID for each class.
Contact: Sis. Jo-Anna Spencer - 973-338-5888
Children’s Church
To engage children ages 2 to 12 in age-appropriate worship. Our children’s church offers interactive children’s bible lessons, through stories, songs, skits games and arts. Snacks are provided for the children.
Contact: Sis. Karen Price - 973-338-5888
NLBC Food Pantry
The NLBC Food Pantry, in partnership with Star of Hope Ministries and other organizations, collects and distributes food to all of those in need on the third Monday of every month from 12pm to 3pm.
Contact: Trustee Gail Edwards - 973-338-5888
The Missionary Ministry
The Missionary ministry executes the NLBC's outreach mission to the world, offering aid and assistance to those in need throughout the year.
Contact: Sis. Shelia Street - 973-338-5888.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee overseas the awarding of the church's college scholarship and provides support to prospective and current college students.
Contact: First Lady Priscilla Freeman-Miller - 973-338-5888
Young Adult Ministry
The mission for the NLBC Young Adult Ministry is to bring young people back to their first love (Christ). To empower them to be bold, confident (Acts 28:31) and walk in their God given purpose (2 Timothy 1:9). To encourage and uplift. It's time for the young adults to rise up and come up higher in the things of God. We are to be an example to the next generation coming up.
The Young Adults Ministry is a community where we can feel safe to be vulnerable, open and honest. i would like for the young adults to feel supported and not alone. They will have the space to speak about challenges they face as believers.
Meetings are bi-weekly via zoom. If anyone is interested in joining they can join our groupp chat on GroupMe and look for NLBC Young Adult Ministry.
Contact: Sis, Zalia Monteiro - 973-338-5888
Singles Ministry
P.S.A. (Positive Single Adult Ministry)
The singles ministry is one of many groups in Christian church settings. Single is not a singular subject. It is for many different types of single Christians that have different needs and interests that are very different. The singles ministry offers social activities, bible study and other support to people who have never been married, or are divorced, separated, widowed, single parents, young adult and just starting to date, older adults and all the above. In the Singles Ministry meetings, we will be talking about God’s purpose for us, being our better self, what God says about singles, fulfilling our purpose, self-reflection, financial stability, relationship and the many different types of relationships and so much more. The meetings will be virtual on the church zoom every 1st Friday at 7pm with occasional events and conferences.
Singles Ministry email – psaministry2023@gmail.com
Singles Ministry Mission/Vision statement
To understand that God created you for a purpose and with Love. To grow spiritually, emotionally, and to know who you are in all aspects so you can fulfill Gods purpose for you. To be your best self. To transform life and form friendships with other Christian Singles.
Contact: Sis. Jo-Anna Spencer - 973-338-5888